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Let's get ContactLevel Ads up and running for your business.

  • Instantly get the attention of prospects
  • Turn cold leads into warm opportunities
  • Call them when they express interest
Reach them  on every ad platform

ContactLevel solves your biggest marketing issues

Poor Targeting
You are targeting a specific ICP. Ad platforms aren't designed for this. Mostly based on interest targeting, anyone can search for your keyword and be served ads. Wasting budget and your sales team's time.
Rampant Ad Waste
Last year alone 72 billion dollars of ad spend was wasted globally from unqualified leads, bot clicks, and poor targeting. So bad that most marketers have given up.
Sales & Marketing Alignment
Running an ABM campaign? Good luck. Without proper targeting you ads are shooting in the dark just hoping to get in front of the same people your sales are going after.

The world's first contact-level advertising solution

Push ads directly to decision makers with 100% accuracy across all major ad networks, cheaper than traditional campaigns.
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